Category: Product Review

Carepod One Stainless Steel: The Humidifier That Redefines Comfort

Quiet, Stylish, Smart: The Humidifier that Redefines Comfort

As a family medicine physician, I frequently suggest practical solutions to common household health issues. One of my consistently recommended solutions is the use of a dependable humidifier, particularly during the dry winter season or in homes with central heating systems.

I was searching for a humidifier for myself (to take my own advice), and at perfect timing, I was gifted the Carepod One Stainless Steel Humidifier! After using it for over a month, here is what I think about it, and I have A LOT to say:

Health Benefits, Design & Practicality

First and foremost, the Carepod One Stainless Steel Humidifier has a sleek and modern design, seamlessly blending into any room decor (this holds great significance for me, given that I am that person who prefers neutral colors in their home). It is also compact and practical, allowing easy placement without taking up much space.

From a medical perspective, maintaining proper humidity levels in indoor environments is crucial for respiratory health. The Carepod One Stainless Steel Humidifier effectively addresses this concern by offering adjustable humidity settings.

This flexibility is particularly beneficial for individuals with respiratory conditions such as asthma or allergies, as it helps create an environment less conducive to irritants.

Many humidifiers can be noisy, causing disturbances during sleep or work. However, the Carepod One operates quietly, enhancing its suitability in bedrooms or quiet spaces.

The Carepod One has a user-friendly interface. Operating the device is a breeze, with simple controls. The LED display provides clear information on humidity levels and allows for precise adjustments, ensuring optimal comfort for users.

Maintenance & Hygiene

What ultimately determines a humidifier’s success or failure is the maintenance procedure (needing a humidifier that is easy to maintain is important for my busy lifestyle). It is essential to adhere to a proper hygiene regimen to prevent the accumulation of bacteria and mold, safeguarding against inhaling potential contaminants.

The Carepod One has an easy-to-clean design with detachable components, making regular maintenance straightforward. Additionally, the antimicrobial technology integrated into the humidifier helps inhibit the growth of bacteria and mold, promoting a healthier living environment.


In conclusion, as a family medicine physician, I highly recommend the Carepod One Stainless Steel Humidifier for those seeking a reliable solution for maintaining indoor humidity levels. Its stylish design, user-friendly interface, easy-to-clean design, and quiet operation make it a standout choice in the market. Investing in the Carepod One is a step toward creating a healthier and more comfortable home environment, especially during the challenging winter months.

Spine Deck Lumbar Stretcher Review

Recently something I have been using for my chronic pain: Spine Deck Lumbar Stretcher. It is a gadget that I saw on IG advertisements and I was really excited to try it out. I have been using it for the past 2 to 3 weeks and have gotten my siblings and boyfriend to try it out because I am obsessed with it! I ended up sharing it on my stories on IG (@Dr.Mursi.MD) before posting a full review as I was loving it from day one. I have gotten several messages about whether it works, here is the full review I am finally excited to share on SpineDeck!!

Spine Deck Lumbar stretcher is supposed to help with back pain from a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, sciatica nerve and chronic back pain, and just stiffness from a long day. It can also help with posture. It has 88 massage pressure points, 4 adjustable levels, and can bear up to 330 lbs. It is portable and lightweight and can be used laying down or sitting.

What happens when I am on it initially? I started with level one in a laying position and quickly feel a release of stiffness, but needed to graduate to level 2 as it didn’t feel like it was stretching my back as much. I would definitely encourage starting with level 1 and working your way up as I have been. There is soreness that I feel that begins to loosen then the feeling of relaxation kicks in. From the start, I focus on my breathing doing a combination of breathwork and meditation.


What happens after I am on it for 10-15 minutes? I began to relax too much and now I have a hard time coming off of it. I sometimes have to roll off and go into a fetal position and let my backstretch the opposite way. I continue my breathing exercises that I had started from the start. I then try and do some yoga before getting off of the floor to add to my chronic back pain management.

What happens in the next several hours after its use? In the next several hours to even a whole day, I am literally feeling good from a back pain standpoint. It has been giving me relief and it is also helping my posture. I am trying to use it more when I am sitting up. I usually like laying on it and combining it with yoga and breathwork.

Ready to try it for yourself?

Do I recommend Spine Deck Lumbar Stretcher? Yes. I highly recommend it. I am absolutely loving it. It stretches out my spinal column, stretches my back muscles, and gives me flexibility. The back pain relief lasts sometimes a few days before it returns again. I have a busy schedule so sometimes I don’t get to do yoga and I am noticing the spine deck lumbar stretcher on its own is making a difference. However, I like it in combination with yoga. It is also VERY convenient in its portability. I can carry it in my duffel bag when I go to my parents for the weekend. I have even taken it to the hospital for my 24-hour call shift for use! I would def recommend it with all honesty.

OnlineMedEd Case X Review

If you are a fourth-year medical student you are very much thinking this: “Omgosh, I am forgetting all that I have studied for the USMLE exams!!”

Dude, I get you. I am struggling to get the motivation to get back to studying mode (USMLE Step 3).

I don’t want to lose all that I have learned! One of my biggest pet-peeve as a 3rd year was hearing 4th-year med students excusing themselves from not remembering concepts because they are done with taking USMLE exams. True that while one is studying it is fresh on your mind, but just because exams are over, it shouldn’t mean you can become stupid — (harsh words, Mursi). It just bothered me so much because we need to know medicine for a living… With that said . . . here I am after just finishing my fourth-year, I am becoming stupid. LOL. Well, at least it feels like I am slowly getting my knowledge drained out of my brain cells.


My plan to get my shit back together and not be a hypocrite: I have started doing Case X, a newly added study material from OnlineMetEd. Case X is good for 4th years, new residents, older residents, even attendings (why not?). As I am studying for Step 3, I will be adding Case X by doing 1-2 cases a day on weekdays. I want to go thoroughly through each case — this is the plan, for now.

I have done several and here are my thoughts so far on Case X by OnlineMedEd:

Honestly: this is absolutely great so far. This is the real deal. This is the real world studying, no more multiple choices. This is you getting your brain cells working and coming up with reasonings based on your knowledge and problem solving. This is your favorite resident/attending during clinical years making you think by asking you all the right questions. This is you being challenged and then learning from your mistakes. This is you reading well-explained reasoning behind the thought process. It is easy to follow and does not feel overwhelming.

Not all of us can open a textbook and read page to page and feel accomplished. Most of us, I included, can’t even get a textbook opened, let alone go through so much material. Case X allows you to take a case at a time. No overload. Just a section at a time with questions to go with each case.

Let me show you a case here, plus a cool perk.

OME provide videos with each case. This is a great tactic because this gives you that visual to trigger your recall when you get a similar real case in real life. You will remember the steps to make the right diagnosis, go through the right management steps, etc.

This is a Case under Cardiology section of Internal Medicine (PS. you will see the diagnosis).
A history of present illness provided after you have watched the video.
You get the full history to go through, including physical exam.
You get questions, but you can only see a question at a time. Once you have thought about the question and answer it to yourself you can click on it to see the answer. This will then unlock the next question.
These are all the locked questions that will only unlock once you have answered the previous questions.
You can click on the icon in the right lower corner to open up a note section to take notes to look back on later. You can exit out and it will save it for you there.
I exited out… look at next screenshot.
Clicked on the notes again.
Woot, woot! I like this.
Then it ends off with key points at the end. And you can give a feedback as well.

OME is doing it again, bring great content!

You can check out their website Let me know your thoughts and how you are going to schedule this in.

Much love,