Spine Deck Lumbar Stretcher Review

Recently something I have been using for my chronic pain: Spine Deck Lumbar Stretcher. It is a gadget that I saw on IG advertisements and I was really excited to try it out. I have been using it for the past 2 to 3 weeks and have gotten my siblings and boyfriend to try it out because I am obsessed with it! I ended up sharing it on my stories on IG (@Dr.Mursi.MD) before posting a full review as I was loving it from day one. I have gotten several messages about whether it works, here is the full review I am finally excited to share on SpineDeck!!

Spine Deck Lumbar stretcher is supposed to help with back pain from a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, sciatica nerve and chronic back pain, and just stiffness from a long day. It can also help with posture. It has 88 massage pressure points, 4 adjustable levels, and can bear up to 330 lbs. It is portable and lightweight and can be used laying down or sitting.

What happens when I am on it initially? I started with level one in a laying position and quickly feel a release of stiffness, but needed to graduate to level 2 as it didn’t feel like it was stretching my back as much. I would definitely encourage starting with level 1 and working your way up as I have been. There is soreness that I feel that begins to loosen then the feeling of relaxation kicks in. From the start, I focus on my breathing doing a combination of breathwork and meditation.


What happens after I am on it for 10-15 minutes? I began to relax too much and now I have a hard time coming off of it. I sometimes have to roll off and go into a fetal position and let my backstretch the opposite way. I continue my breathing exercises that I had started from the start. I then try and do some yoga before getting off of the floor to add to my chronic back pain management.

What happens in the next several hours after its use? In the next several hours to even a whole day, I am literally feeling good from a back pain standpoint. It has been giving me relief and it is also helping my posture. I am trying to use it more when I am sitting up. I usually like laying on it and combining it with yoga and breathwork.

Ready to try it for yourself?

Do I recommend Spine Deck Lumbar Stretcher? Yes. I highly recommend it. I am absolutely loving it. It stretches out my spinal column, stretches my back muscles, and gives me flexibility. The back pain relief lasts sometimes a few days before it returns again. I have a busy schedule so sometimes I don’t get to do yoga and I am noticing the spine deck lumbar stretcher on its own is making a difference. However, I like it in combination with yoga. It is also VERY convenient in its portability. I can carry it in my duffel bag when I go to my parents for the weekend. I have even taken it to the hospital for my 24-hour call shift for use! I would def recommend it with all honesty.

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