OnlineMedEd Case X Review

If you are a fourth-year medical student you are very much thinking this: “Omgosh, I am forgetting all that I have studied for the USMLE exams!!”

Dude, I get you. I am struggling to get the motivation to get back to studying mode (USMLE Step 3).

I don’t want to lose all that I have learned! One of my biggest pet-peeve as a 3rd year was hearing 4th-year med students excusing themselves from not remembering concepts because they are done with taking USMLE exams. True that while one is studying it is fresh on your mind, but just because exams are over, it shouldn’t mean you can become stupid — (harsh words, Mursi). It just bothered me so much because we need to know medicine for a living… With that said . . . here I am after just finishing my fourth-year, I am becoming stupid. LOL. Well, at least it feels like I am slowly getting my knowledge drained out of my brain cells.


My plan to get my shit back together and not be a hypocrite: I have started doing Case X, a newly added study material from OnlineMetEd. Case X is good for 4th years, new residents, older residents, even attendings (why not?). As I am studying for Step 3, I will be adding Case X by doing 1-2 cases a day on weekdays. I want to go thoroughly through each case — this is the plan, for now.

I have done several and here are my thoughts so far on Case X by OnlineMedEd:

Honestly: this is absolutely great so far. This is the real deal. This is the real world studying, no more multiple choices. This is you getting your brain cells working and coming up with reasonings based on your knowledge and problem solving. This is your favorite resident/attending during clinical years making you think by asking you all the right questions. This is you being challenged and then learning from your mistakes. This is you reading well-explained reasoning behind the thought process. It is easy to follow and does not feel overwhelming.

Not all of us can open a textbook and read page to page and feel accomplished. Most of us, I included, can’t even get a textbook opened, let alone go through so much material. Case X allows you to take a case at a time. No overload. Just a section at a time with questions to go with each case.

Let me show you a case here, plus a cool perk.

OME provide videos with each case. This is a great tactic because this gives you that visual to trigger your recall when you get a similar real case in real life. You will remember the steps to make the right diagnosis, go through the right management steps, etc.

This is a Case under Cardiology section of Internal Medicine (PS. you will see the diagnosis).
A history of present illness provided after you have watched the video.
You get the full history to go through, including physical exam.
You get questions, but you can only see a question at a time. Once you have thought about the question and answer it to yourself you can click on it to see the answer. This will then unlock the next question.
These are all the locked questions that will only unlock once you have answered the previous questions.
You can click on the icon in the right lower corner to open up a note section to take notes to look back on later. You can exit out and it will save it for you there.
I exited out… look at next screenshot.
Clicked on the notes again.
Woot, woot! I like this.
Then it ends off with key points at the end. And you can give a feedback as well.

OME is doing it again, bring great content!

You can check out their website Let me know your thoughts and how you are going to schedule this in.

Much love,

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