My Start Of Intermittent Fasting

Hi you guys!! It has been a minute since I wrote a blog post! What have you guys been up to? Here is a quick update on my life.

  1. I was studying for Step 3 then a few personal things happened and I had to take a step back — but I am starting it up again soon!
  2. My older sister and brother-in-law made me an AUNT!!! I was SO excited to meet this baby for the longest time (even before my sister found the love of her life). It is a BOY and he is incredibly cute, smart (I can already tell), OH SO HANDSOME, and the sweetest little boy I have ever laid eyes on. I mean, well, there is also my little brother who is amazing too. Follow me on my IG and you can meet him through my stories! @Dr.Mursi.MD
  3. I applied for residency TODAY! Keep me in your prayers! Also, keep a lookout for residency posts (both, here on my blog and on my YouTube channel).
  4. I GAIN FREAKIN’ WEIGHT. I am so upset because I gained ~20 pounds while studying for step 1 and then lost about 10 pounds of it and now I am back up 10 pounds again (keep reading I will tell you my weight now and my goal)! How the hell did I get here?! I can answer that: Age. Metabolism. Laziness. Unable to control my sweet tooth.

So, intermittent fasting, I have been on and off with this and it does some serious pound-shredding if you are consistent! When I live on my own, I am pretty good about keeping my weight off, it is when I come home from my parent’s house! I swear my mom is my weight’s worst nightmare. She just keeps FEEDING ME.

I have warned her: “Mother, if you tell me to eat more again, I will stop eating completely and go hungry and it will be your fault that I die of starvation! Is that what you want? Me to go hungry?” LOL!! Then she stopped forcing me to eat extra for fear that I wouldn’t eat. Little does she know…. All jokes aside (well, I wasn’t joking..) I am getting into some serious business of feeling my healthier self again.

I currently weigh 140 lbs and my goal is 120. I would like to lose 20 pounds in total–of course, promptly. I have NEVER been about the numbers, but as I am getting older, it is time to be careful. I will be starting my intermittent fasting today. It is currently 6:41 PM. Would you like to start it with me?

I will fast for 14 hours starting now. I am using an app called Zero. You can select the hours you want to fast. Remember, you can drink water during this time, but nothing else. I will check back in one week to update you guys on my weight. I will have to take my weight at the same time (6:30ish PM). Let’s start!!! Here is a screenshot showing my timer. Now it is YOUR TURN, check your start weight, select your goal weight, mark your calendar, and get the app — oh, and start your fasting today!

We can try to lose the pounds together!!

See you in a week in my next post!!

Much Love,

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