Author: Mursi.MD

5 Reasons You Are Dreading to Study

Struggling to Hit the Books? You are not alone in dreading to study! Uncover the 5 Hidden Reasons You’re Avoiding Study Time 📚😫 – Find out what’s really holding you back from academic success!

Feeling a sense of dread or resistance when it comes to studying is a shared experience, and it’s essential to understand the underlying reasons. Here are five possible reasons why you might be dreading to study:

1. Lack of Interest:
Lack of interest in a subject or topic can indeed be a significant factor behind the dread of studying. When you’re not engaged or enthusiastic about what you’re learning, it’s natural for studying to feel like a tedious chore. To overcome this challenge, consider finding ways to make the material more relatable and relevant to your life. Try connecting the subject matter to your personal interests or future goals. Break down your study sessions into manageable chunks and reward yourself after completing them. Seek out additional resources such as documentaries, podcasts, or real-world applications that can make the subject more engaging. Moreover, setting clear goals and reminding yourself of the bigger picture, like how this knowledge can contribute to your overall growth, can help reignite your motivation and make studying a more enjoyable experience. Remember, your mindset plays a crucial role in your study journey, and finding ways to cultivate genuine interest can go a long way in making the process less daunting.

Check out my YouTube video on How To Study Efficiently 

2. Overwhelm:
Feeling overwhelmed while studying can undoubtedly lead to a sense of dread. When you’re confronted with an avalanche of information, it’s easy to become disheartened. To combat this, start by breaking down your study tasks into smaller, more manageable portions. Create a schedule that allocates specific time slots for each topic or chapter, and don’t forget to include short breaks to recharge your focus. Prioritize what’s most important and tackle one thing at a time. Additionally, consider seeking support from peers or instructors when you encounter challenging concepts. Sometimes, discussing your difficulties with others can provide valuable insights and reduce the feeling of isolation. Lastly, practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or mindfulness can help alleviate the stress associated with being overwhelmed, making studying a less daunting endeavor. Remember, taking things step by step and maintaining a sense of balance in your study routine can go a long way in combating the dread caused by being overwhelmed.


Check out my blog post on how to prepare for Step 3 CCS

3. Fear of Failure:
The fear of failure can be a powerful force that deters many from even starting their study sessions. It’s essential to recognize that failure is a natural part of the learning process, and it’s through setbacks that we often learn the most. To overcome this fear, try shifting your perspective. Instead of seeing failure as a dead-end, view it as a stepping stone towards improvement. Set realistic goals and celebrate small victories along the way. Break your studies into manageable chunks, and if you’re struggling with a particular topic, seek help from teachers, peers, or tutors. Remember, everyone makes mistakes, and it’s these mistakes that pave the way for growth and success. Embrace the idea that every moment spent studying is a step towards personal development and knowledge, regardless of the immediate outcome. By doing so, you can gradually reduce the fear of failure and approach your studies with greater confidence and determination.

Check out my YouTube video where I share how I overcame this. 

4. Distractions and Procrastination:
Distractions and procrastination can be the two-headed dragon that keeps us from successful studying. The constant allure of social media, entertainment, and other diversions can easily pull us away from our books. To combat this, start by creating a dedicated study space free from distractions. Put away your phone or use apps that block access to time-wasting websites during study sessions. Break your study time into shorter, focused intervals, and reward yourself with a brief break when you complete them. Additionally, set clear goals for what you want to achieve during each study session, and visualize the satisfaction of completing your tasks. This can serve as a powerful motivator to beat procrastination. Remember, staying organized and disciplined is key to conquering distractions and procrastination, allowing you to make the most of your study time.

Click to read about my ADHD story

5. Negative Past Experiences:
Negative past experiences, whether academic or personal, can cast a shadow on your motivation to study. It’s crucial to recognize that these experiences don’t define your future potential. To conquer the weight of the past, start by reframing those experiences as valuable lessons rather than failures. Understand that setbacks are a part of everyone’s journey. Set realistic expectations for yourself and break your study tasks into smaller, achievable goals. Seek support from mentors, friends, or counselors if needed, as discussing your feelings can help alleviate their hold on you. Ultimately, remember that your past does not dictate your future. You have the power to reshape your academic path and create a brighter, more fulfilling learning experience. Embrace the wisdom gained from your past and use it as fuel to drive your future success.

In conclusion, studying can be a challenging endeavor, especially when faced with obstacles like lack of interest, overwhelm, fear of failure, distractions, and negative past experiences. However, with the right mindset and strategies, you can overcome these hurdles. By finding ways to connect with your subject matter, breaking down your study sessions, seeking support when needed, and reframing setbacks as stepping stones, you can transform your study habits and regain control over your learning journey. Remember, your potential is not defined by your past or your fears; it’s shaped by your determination to persevere and grow. So, tackle those study sessions with confidence, knowing that you have the tools to succeed and the resilience to overcome any challenges that come your way. Your academic journey is yours to shape, and the possibilities for growth and achievement are boundless.

Why You Should Love Yourself – The Importance of Self-Love

Love yourself more than anyone else. Here is WHY:
1. Mental Well-being:
Self-love fosters positive self-esteem and a strong sense of self-worth, reducing the risk of mental health issues like anxiety and depression. It allows you to develop a more resilient and compassionate attitude towards yourself during challenging times.
2. Healthy Relationships:
When you love and respect yourself, you establish healthy boundaries and standards for how others treat you. This, in turn, leads to more fulfilling and respectful relationships with others.
3. Emotional Balance:
Self-love enables you to regulate your emotions better. Rather than seeking validation from external sources, you develop an internal source of validation, leading to emotional stability and contentment.
4. Pursuit of Goals:
Believing in yourself and your abilities encourages you to set and pursue ambitious goals. Self-love provides the motivation to strive for success, embracing challenges as opportunities for growth.
5. Physical Health:
Self-love encourages self-care practices, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and sufficient rest. Taking care of your body demonstrates respect for yourself and contributes to overall well-being.
6. Decision-Making:
When you love yourself, you make decisions based on what is truly best for your well-being rather than seeking external validation or approval. This leads to more authentic and fulfilling life choices.
7. Empathy and Compassion:
Loving yourself enhances your ability to extend empathy and compassion toward others. By understanding your own struggles and triumphs, you develop a deeper understanding of the human experience.
8. Resilience:
Self-love equips you with the strength to bounce back from setbacks and failures. You become more adaptable and less likely to be discouraged by challenges
I hope you always remember you are worthy of love.
Much love,
Dr. Mursi

My ADHD Story

I was recommended to get evaluated for ADHD by my pediatric attending during my 3rd-year clinical rotations. I did not listen to her recommendations until I started to see her reasoning as I was functionally struggling, but always in near breakdown.

I was in denial because I saw ADHD as a form of weakness and even now still struggle with this idea (I know it is silly but my truth). I finally decided to get evaluated at the end of my third year of medical school. I got diagnosed and was started on the medication, methylphenidate. I tried it for a week or two and decided it wasn’t doing anything and I just needed to change my habits and learn to control my focus.

I continued to struggle but there were also a lot of other things happening in my personal life that I continued to make excuses for my symptoms.

My excuses:

  • My constant inner restlessness is all from my anxiety.
  • my anxiety is from having generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).
  • My impatience and impulsivity are part of my personality
  • My inattentiveness is my selective hearing and daydreaming habits from my childhood
  • My disorganization is just my lack of good habits
  • My forgetfulness is from being distracted by so much work.
  • My distracting behavior is from having so many things on my plate.
  • Remarks by friends and family are just remarks and it doesn’t mean anything.



I continued to just functionally struggle. I worked really, really hard and the payoff was average. Over time, I burnt out more frequently.

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I began to get moody, and easily irritable and my anxiety even worsened. I continued to work on coping mechanisms and thought I was doing okay. I thought I was handling it well. I started my intern year of family medicine residency. The stress of my mom’s cancer and the stress of residency was taking on a further toll on me with uncontrolled ADHD.


I was struggling with residency as an intern and I had mentioned a history of ADHD to one of my attendings during an evaluation. I was again recommended to discuss treatment with my PCP.



I have been on methylphenidate for over a year now and my anxiety is more controlled, and my inner restlessness, impatience, impulsivity, distractibility, and disorganization have improved. On the days I don’t take my medication there is a difference compared to when I do. Often noted by others more than myself. I am learning to accept external help for my ADHD.


I struggled for years, I mean really struggled when I could have had it a little less difficult.

This was all shared as a reminder of the various insecurities everyone deals with. truthfully, I still struggle with admitting that I have ADHD out loud as I find this a weakness like I am making an excuse for not being good enough.

As always, my posts are always a self-reminder and a reminder that you are not alone.


Response to Hardship

The Process of Healing – Journal Entry 1

Through these journal entries, I hope to help myself find meaning in life again after the loss of my mom. I share such a private journey publicly in the hopes of helping someone out there who is also in a lot of pain. You are not alone in your feelings. I am here with you. This can be our healing process. To make the most of these journal entries, I encourage you to be an active participant and journal along with me. Write out your thoughts after reading each journey entry. It can be concerning the topic I talk about or just your current existing thoughts running through your head, keeping you distracted.



I have always believed there are three ways that you can respond to a painful happening in your life



1. You can get stuck in the past and drown in your sorrows.
2. You can deny its existence and just go with the flow of life.
3. You can acknowledge the pain and actively work on how to grow and

My response to hardship has mostly been about the next step. What do I have to do next to survive the hardship? What I have to focus on to make the burden of the pain I feel… less. I believe I am a person who often chooses the third option, but at times I feel I do practice the second.

What do I have to focus on to make the burden of the pain I feel… less.

You Are a Warrior

⚠️ My personal self-assessment post. I share as it may help someone else.

Are you worrying about things and feeling anxious/upset/overwhelmed? Here is a self-eval task that I did right before posting this and the outcome, keep reading.

💢 I started typing out what I worry about without pausing.
💢 As I kept typing I had a realization towards the end (one I have had before but reminded again about).
💢 I read through it and realized the theme of it and possibly the root cause.
💢 I begin taking deep breaths, slow and steady. 4 counts in and 6 counts out.
💢 I type out my thoughts base on my realization
💢 Then I remind myself what if I stopped worrying and believe that it will all work out. What if it all works out?


Now you try it!

Keep reading to see my self-analysis thoughts.

My freestyle:
I am a worrier. I worry about what happens next. I worry about my goals and where I want to be. I worry about not doing enough today for tomorrow to be better. I worry about missing something today that I would regret not finding sooner. I worry things are not happening now. I worry that if it doesn’t happen soon, then it won’t happen. I especially worry about losing time. I don’t want to lose time, so I want it now so I can be in that state longer or have it for longer.


My self-analysis:
My worrying makes me pushy. I push for things now. As soon as I have decided I want it, I act on it or make it known without a second thought. This has affected my relationships because when people are not on my page, I leave them behind. I move forward on my own. My family and friends would be screaming right now in agreement. I have known this about myself for some time now and it is difficult to change a habit which has also lead me to my achievements. Today it was brought to my attention that I could lose something very special because of my worries which causes me to be very pushy.

My reminder:
Instead of worrying about what happens far in the future work on what happens today, this week, this month. Let it all work out naturally because it will all work out nicely in the end. Enjoy the moments of now instead of waiting for the moments of tomorrow. This chapter will be a chapter you will look back. If you rush through it now, you will regret rushing the opportunity of life that you were given.

I hope that made sense.
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Spine Deck Lumbar Stretcher Review

Recently something I have been using for my chronic pain: Spine Deck Lumbar Stretcher. It is a gadget that I saw on IG advertisements and I was really excited to try it out. I have been using it for the past 2 to 3 weeks and have gotten my siblings and boyfriend to try it out because I am obsessed with it! I ended up sharing it on my stories on IG (@Dr.Mursi.MD) before posting a full review as I was loving it from day one. I have gotten several messages about whether it works, here is the full review I am finally excited to share on SpineDeck!!

Spine Deck Lumbar stretcher is supposed to help with back pain from a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, sciatica nerve and chronic back pain, and just stiffness from a long day. It can also help with posture. It has 88 massage pressure points, 4 adjustable levels, and can bear up to 330 lbs. It is portable and lightweight and can be used laying down or sitting.

What happens when I am on it initially? I started with level one in a laying position and quickly feel a release of stiffness, but needed to graduate to level 2 as it didn’t feel like it was stretching my back as much. I would definitely encourage starting with level 1 and working your way up as I have been. There is soreness that I feel that begins to loosen then the feeling of relaxation kicks in. From the start, I focus on my breathing doing a combination of breathwork and meditation.


What happens after I am on it for 10-15 minutes? I began to relax too much and now I have a hard time coming off of it. I sometimes have to roll off and go into a fetal position and let my backstretch the opposite way. I continue my breathing exercises that I had started from the start. I then try and do some yoga before getting off of the floor to add to my chronic back pain management.

What happens in the next several hours after its use? In the next several hours to even a whole day, I am literally feeling good from a back pain standpoint. It has been giving me relief and it is also helping my posture. I am trying to use it more when I am sitting up. I usually like laying on it and combining it with yoga and breathwork.

Ready to try it for yourself?

Do I recommend Spine Deck Lumbar Stretcher? Yes. I highly recommend it. I am absolutely loving it. It stretches out my spinal column, stretches my back muscles, and gives me flexibility. The back pain relief lasts sometimes a few days before it returns again. I have a busy schedule so sometimes I don’t get to do yoga and I am noticing the spine deck lumbar stretcher on its own is making a difference. However, I like it in combination with yoga. It is also VERY convenient in its portability. I can carry it in my duffel bag when I go to my parents for the weekend. I have even taken it to the hospital for my 24-hour call shift for use! I would def recommend it with all honesty.

Initial HPI New Born Presentation Example

If you are like me, you may have a hard time with presentations. Here is my contribution to teaching what I wish I was better taught and practiced more of! There is more to come! Let me know if this is helpful and if there are any recommendations that you may have! I will be making videos eventually going through these presentations to provide better details, etc. For now, I just did not want to delay it being posted any further.

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Tan Suit From Express

Women's clothing

When we think of a boss, we think of them in suits. Often when purchasing a suit, mosts go for the classic style, which in itself is a great look. However, you don’t need to just stick to the basics, add some sass! Here is a gorgeous set that not only brings out the best in you but has more of a fashionable look and gives you a bit of an edge. Be aware, this will turn heads!!!

One of my favorite stores for stylish suits is the Express store! They have so many various trends and styles, I am always impressed by them! I have linked the suit jacket and the suit pants in the original models for your convince to quickly find and look at details and order it for yourself!! I hope you love it as much as I do! Let me know your thoughts on my IG @Mursi.MD

Women's clothing